Georgina's place of rants!!! - "Spay and Neuter your pets!" - Bob Barker

so what else is new? Funny Quote of the Day - Rodney Dangerfield - "The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest."

Sunday, March 07, 2004

fRiDaY gIlLwOoD---hOw LoNg CaN u HoLd Yr BrEaTh 4 A fIsHiE?.....................

ok so friday night i went to the gillwood with a few friends and i had the pleasure of talking to someone whom i thought a few weeks ago had ran past me to avoid eye contact and turns out that he accually waved to me thank god cause i thougt he hated me for the longest time cause of his new woman so that made my night well not really made my night but made it a bit better to know that one less person that i thought hated me doesnt...........
so onto the night i had a few drinks at my place with some of my closest friends and after a bit of laughing and burping we all headed to the gilly and "to my surprise" there was an overabundance of 16 yr olds there making me feel old but hey that comes with the territory when yr almost a 1/4 of a century (ugh)............but had some fun anyways ............ never dansed though......which felt weird but i also went to the bar in jeans and a sweater (wtf)............ so it wasnt a dansing night to say the least.............the night drug on and my boyfriend got really drunk and we ended up leavin not for that reason but just cause it wasnt as fun as it usually is so we got home and after a bit of "relationship talkin" we got on the topic of bashin heads off my cofee table and chris decided he wants to have a headache and bangs his nutty head off the glass a few times and as i reach to pull him away he realizes there's fish (fake ones) floating in my chineese bubble tank and he says "i want to swim with the fishes" i decide that my tub isnt gonna get filled tonight witht he fish from that tube with him in it playin with plastic fish so i take the top off the tube and stick his hand in it lettin him feel the water and take a fish out to play with to give him the sensation of "swimmin with the fish" so he starts to talk to the fish and i get a bit scared so i tell him to put the fish back so he proceeds to the tank with the fish in his hand the whole while talkin to it like its his best friend and he drops it in telling it ill see you tomorrow little fish have a good yeah that was my adventure friday night ............................ how long can u hold yr breath while yr man talks to a fish pretending its ok as you walk him to bed without laughing yr ass off so yr man dont feel like a nut?.........hmm think about that question really hard and then ask yourself how blue do ya think my face got before i fell asleep?....................


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