Georgina's place of rants!!! - "Spay and Neuter your pets!" - Bob Barker

so what else is new? Funny Quote of the Day - Rodney Dangerfield - "The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest."

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

can anyone give this guy the number for scholls (odor eaters) please.......................

so i had thisguy sitting next to me at the good ol werk station and all he did was flirt with me well pink style anyways..................takin shoes of first and shuving them in my face then it escalated to the sox commin of and the ultimate was him farting loud enough for me to hear and ... "GET THIS" ..... fanning the stink in my direction................what a charmer i've heard of pinching or winking or even the most common buying a drink for her but come on now really though in the pink family is ther any hope for any of em?................not by my standards.........and david just because you fantasise about me in yr daydreams and yr wet dreams...........dont get yr panties up in a bunch cause i wont tap yr ass all i heard about since i told you about my strap on i got for my b-day last yearwas you asking me to come try it out on yr dirty stinky ass.........................really though pinky this is getting retarded howe bout ill bring it to werkie with me tomorrow leave it at security and you can give er a go all on yr own..................javex it when yr donte then give it to yr woman cause judging by other ppl in yr family you must not be pleasing her with all that bag and no dick...........................
i happened to, the other day, to have included pinkster aka david aka wayne aka stinky fat fuck...................and it was all in good fun and he comes back with this comment.............

..... i always knew you to be a whore... been with my brother already have you, slut bag :D and as for my manhood.. no its not all bag but its none your business, dirty whores will never see that, only the wify poo, now goergina quit it the fuck out and quit throwing my name up there with Paul, your getting on my nerves and quit fucking messaging me i aint gonna sleep with you, whore.. fuck get a life....PENIS!!
Pinkster | 03.09.04 - 8:50 pm

now david there's no need for hat vugarity and dirty whore listen you smell like one and who r u to call me anything ............. last time i remember thinking about you was how the fuck did he get a girl let alone to fuck him......................really though and u only wisk i wanted to fuck tell yr woman i asked how much does she spend in odor eaters for yr apt?.........................
btw i have no intentions of stoping any type of blog i wanna type about in here.............why so defensive ?..........huh..........scared someone othewr then the girl yr bonin now like as in yr guy friends when you were younger might spill the beans cause during one of yr childhood "experimentations" withone of yr male friends ended abruptly cause he couldnt see past the bag?...................
and no i have never had any feeling sexual towards you and as for you saying didnt i already fuck yr bro..............member in the last blog the mirror comment well i have 2 eyes i might need contacts but i had em in every time i seen his stinky ass if that doesnt answer yr questionbluntly ....the anser is hell the fuck no...............come on now david come up with a sweet asscomment to this blog and see what a come back wif next time? next time im gonna have some interviews to go with what i write too meaning yr bound to have some skeletons crawling aaround some dirty whores closet and ill be the one to find those closets .... im starting to enloy this pinky please comment so i can start a researce blog for ppl to comment on just with dirt on you..................i have connection s and none of tehm have an alliase like you....whats wrong withthe name wayne im sure in some foreign language somewhere it has the meaning that fits yr persona....let me give it a go.......................hebrew...wayne.....long time lover of little boys that has a cronic ass problem..............sound like u?.......................


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