Georgina's place of rants!!! - "Spay and Neuter your pets!" - Bob Barker

so what else is new? Funny Quote of the Day - Rodney Dangerfield - "The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest."

Thursday, November 18, 2004

need to make an addition to my job ladder climbing opinion

i dont think everyone....persay has to give head or do what they have to (in bed) to get ahead.....i mean for "inside" jobs like sa's and such well they have to be doing something in their spare time to get this job i mean you cant go into that stuff blind....its simple to some but not to most...and to the people that it is simple to like yrself took the time out or yr schedule to learn this stuff on yr own.....a piece of paper doesnt have to show yr accomplishments...ultimatly in the end you are the one that has to do the job and do it right.....and for the job you are doing now for stream you are,without paper, the best qualified in the trade (as i've seen)....paper for marriages and work are just that....... have to DO to be respected...but the common jobs (in call-centers) like supervisor positions, agent, etc......they are dead end matter what call-center you are at they are not likely to be there for your retirement age not to mention....retirement there such a thing at any call-center?...what i mean by dead end job....well if you stay in an agent position for lack of paper to bring you to a higher up position or the "full" skills they are looking......well you are in a place that is dead end...when you quit/get fired for whatever they feel is neccesary/get fed up with the shit and are at a dead i dont think that all sa's and such sucked a dick to get in but the people walking around giving "answers" to agent questions while not on the phones....most of them are romers in a-bay or those assigned to a team.....they ask someone else for the answer then tell you what it is..... or they are too busy "chumming it up" with their "boy/girl-toys" or messenger or whatever and make people wait while they get paid to do nothing.......anyone in that building is qualified to do that job....why is it the people that hang with the supervisors get off the phones and the people still sitting on the phones who dont need to raise their hands have to take call after call.....those are the people that im talking about...they get ahead by doing "their thing" not everyone does it that way but as you and anyone who has worked in a call-center has seen it many a times....people who drink and do "other stuff" with their "higher-ups" will get the "slacker" jobs while the more qualified stay day after day on the phones.......

not everyone sucks dicks but those that do will for sure be in a better posistion in a call-center in no time.......if you stick by that moto yr a shoe-in for any call-center....

as for my brothel....lets just say when it opens ill be more then happy to give you.... johny-o a free-bee fix anytime you wish but any more then 4 and you have to start paying.....oh and i got lessons on how to use my tounge ring sooooooooooooooo....anytime for that too babe.......but i have to tell ya what goes missing in my mouth .... there's no refund ......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well.....what can ya say to that. For one, i did my job on the phone, i came to work on time, took 60 minute lunches, 2-15 minute breaks, and made sure i stayed out of shit, had high quality and c-sat. Guess what,I did not give any "head" what so ever, didn't "chumm up" or got drinking with the bosses. Yes, i used to roam, answer questions, train people, worked in a-bay, quality a-bay, and was an associate trainer for dial. I am sure you posting about ppl sucking dick to get ahead ( no pun intended ) is meant for a specific person or persons. I would hate to think you are lumping all the ppl that did " off the phone work " into the same group and those that do sleep their way to the top. I don't work there anymore and could care less what happens or goes on, but don't put everyone in the same bed. thanks. B.

Thursday, November 18, 2004 10:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one for ya... she's fucked in the Head!!!

Bernie got her all fucked up cuz he didn't like "her icing" on the top of the cupcake. Smarten the fuck up georgina you did nothing at Stream to earn any type of fucking recognition..

Roaming its a job its a fucking priviledge.... I know alot of people who are working at Stream "a dead end job" with benefits etc... so that their fucking families grow.

After the gall of even admitting you reapplied as a joke or not... you are a useless piece of shit. The funny thing is you lost all credibility when you reapplied. And if David Pink is there.... remember the hot poker, stick it up your ass cuz you aren't getting back in either. Its funny when you hear who is trying to reapply....remember they "have tried to suck dick to get ahead" but all they gave was a shitty blowjob and are stuck on the phone with another 7.5 pts lol

Tongue ring or not.... keep it in your mouth... and stop blowing hot air!

Friday, November 19, 2004 8:56:00 AM  

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