Georgina's place of rants!!! - "Spay and Neuter your pets!" - Bob Barker

so what else is new? Funny Quote of the Day - Rodney Dangerfield - "The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest."

Friday, October 29, 2004

woop woop...on a lying yr back.....

i wonder how many "lies" i can start with my skanky if anyone knows who the asshole commenter coward is let me know cause i wanna rip em apart with rumor and facts alike....come on people work with'll be worth yr time......and i really did think about a benefit danse to make money to move yes i did and i said that but you have to understand i want to move some family members for my own purposes they are not in a per say "bad" environment just they will have a much better chance doing something for themse;ves if they lived somewheres else......what do you do "annonomous"? cant be much cause you find the time daily to read my you have friends or do you sit in front of the computer with your "internet" fake friends........or are you a going nowhere streamer.....that place is killing everyones spirits by fucking them in the need to move adn get a life cause you must have a jealous streak on for me cause im getting ghe fuck out of this dump.....get a life looser cause it doesnt seem like you have a big fat skanky liar that loves to get people going.....hope yr having fun cutting me up and everyone else you do and just like me its behind their backs....yr friends must be proud to be associated with sure i would be......i have a life a great boyfriend terrific friends and wonderful must be jealous.....if i cared about what people thought like you obviousily do cause yr still nameless i wouldnt have any of these things.....i wonder if you have even one? have huge skeletons im sure too cause no name means shamless deeds.....cant wait to rip you up.....and as for my boo hoo hoo....where's yr name buddy?....same reason....i thought so.........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I know who it is. It'll be worth my while to tell you? That is what you said, right? inform me. What's in it for me? Cash? Head? Sex? there's your options, Let me know.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004 9:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you Mentally Ill?

I had to share this with your readers, well what's left of them. Guess who applied back at Stream? your Author, Georgina, lmao. Are you for real Girl? how much of an idiot are you? You bad mouthed almost all of the management team, as well as most of your fellow colleagues, and you have the nerve to apply back again.

You really need to get some medical Help! I guess Cleaning the Pizza shop, is not enough to pay the Bills, is it?

I have an Idea, Why don't you sell some even splits at Stream so it can help you fund your trip to Halifax? Oh yeah you can't cause you don't work there, lmao,

you are such an Idiot.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 2:57:00 AM  

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