Georgina's place of rants!!! - "Spay and Neuter your pets!" - Bob Barker

so what else is new? Funny Quote of the Day - Rodney Dangerfield - "The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest."

Monday, February 13, 2006

georgina @ werk on web messenger

BOOOOOO i know im not allowed but at 2 am with no q and alot of time between calls you know it passes the time to have a chat or 2 if ppl are sitting far from you....yadda yadda...anyways today was my thursday which might end up my friday because i might take an extra day for my weekend cause that snow doesnt look too promissing to be able to get out, very easily. of my driveway ... theres ups and downs to snow :) and my werk is gonna pay for my cab outta here woop woop cause the cops are pulling ppl over and chris had to shovel the driveway b4 he could even get in it....grrr stupid landlord on dayshift...booo...he better shovel it tomorrow....anyways enough ranting for today...might be some more boredom for you tomorrow :) hahahaha
ttyl :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the name of ur blog lolol

Monday, February 13, 2006 12:42:00 PM  

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