Georgina's place of rants!!! - "Spay and Neuter your pets!" - Bob Barker

so what else is new? Funny Quote of the Day - Rodney Dangerfield - "The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest."

Monday, July 26, 2004

( no pun intended for u...but im sure you already know that since you have read my blog and see i dont use names directly)

just to let you know "ashley macdonald"...the annomomous commenters arent slandering anyone directly and if they do its because of things people have said about me....would you want someone to openly take your name and drag it in the mud just because of facts or feelings and have alot of people that you didnt even know read those things about u and have an opinion on you before they even knew u...the people commenting on me and calling me names obviousily dont know me or my actions....skank...whats a skank?...i dont allow people other then my boyfriend to grope me....unlike some other people ( no pun intended for u...but im sure you already know that since you have read my blog and see i dont use names directly) ....what people get out of this blog is what they want no matter whats said or whos name is yeah if people are remaining annonomous its because of people like you that try and eat them alive with your comments b4 even knowing them...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have posted things anonymously only because of how unfair people can be without knowing all the facts. I have not mentioned one person by name or called anyone a nasty name. I stated facts and if you feel that they were directed to you I apologize. However the comments should only make those who are guilty of getting the favours feel bad.I did state I do not know Georgina but some of her coments have merit. We all know that people there get special treatment and if you dare make the comment openly you leave yourself open to be singled out.

Monday, July 26, 2004 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is me again...I was not insulting anyone...I will try to explain myself better..Peole have been posting nasty things anonymously about Georgina and whatnot...then ohter defense of back defending her...ok I understand that...they also their own chickenshit they are for not telling us all who they really are...what I meant by my post is can;t call someone a chicken shit for posting anonymously when you post anonymously yourslef...It never had anything to do with what was said...I would have said it about anyone in any blog..about any topic...maybe they just did not realize...and I did not post anything anonymously..I just posted yesterday...and I put my name on it..and I put my full name not to be a bitch..but to simply let people know ho was posting so I too, could not be an anonympous poster complaining about people..behind a mask..I hope the confusion is clear now

Monday, July 26, 2004 5:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol....Ashley Ashley, who was the one that sent there boyfriend home early to pick up his parents at Shawn Simm's wedding so that you could make a scene on the dance floor with Sup Bob Richerson....I guess no one was suppose to see his hands all over your ass were they???? And not to mention that you stood out in the parking lot holding balloons "looking" inocent while he took a piss beside the car....were you trying to hide him pissing, or the fact that you were there with him while your boyfriend was home??? But wait...thats not the best of it....Ashley goes home with Bob to "his" apartment after the wedding folks, if Ashley let him have her hands all over her on the dance floor at a wedding reception....just imagine where they were at his apartment....haha Now tell me who is the SKANK???
So I guess that it does prove one point that was broght up in this blog....Some people do sleep with higher ups to get off the concidering that Ashley is already on Bernie's "cupcake" must have moved up to be a "poundcake" after a night with Bob....

Monday, July 26, 2004 10:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashley is definitly not a skank and she didn't come on here calling anyone names. Take a look at where you work people. You can have friends, just because you go to someones apartment doens't mean something going on , maybe you should get YOUR own mind out of the gutter. And maybe half of the people watching what everyone else is doing should mind there own business. Ashley was just saying if your gonna come on here and start trashing people leave your name , instead of comming here saying nasty things because your too gutless to say it to the persons face. -nic

Monday, July 26, 2004 10:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I read your blog tonight and just for your information I was at Shawn Simms wedding and nothing happened with Ashley or Bob. I think anyone of the 150 people or so there could tell you that. Also I was one of 10 people or so back at Bob's after the wedding for a couple of drinks. Yes you read it right, one of the 10 or so people. There was a group there and once again nothing happened so stop trying to cause shit. Get a life.

PS - Learn how to spell, you write like you are in grade 3.

Monday, July 26, 2004 11:16:00 PM  

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