Georgina's place of rants!!! - "Spay and Neuter your pets!" - Bob Barker

so what else is new? Funny Quote of the Day - Rodney Dangerfield - "The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest."

Thursday, March 09, 2006

where have all the years gone....

been a few days since i last posted...i just never really had much to say...
my dear aunt annette was up to visit well her husband teddy was in the hospital for a few days up here and as we all know its not easy to sleep in one so she bunked with me ahd chris for a few was nice to see her and have a long overdue chat....i miss being close to my family it seems as if the years just wizz by and i havent spoken to some of my family in well...years some of whom i havent seen in over 5 years and some i havent spoken to in longer then that....weird isnt life gets so busy that you neglect your own i alone there or does this happen to everyone? do ppl find the time to make a life for themselves and keep sane and try to talk to each family member at least 1 time a week...for me thats litterally in the 100's so i dont think it physically possible...but after all these years can you just pick up the phone and just call them? would i open the conversation...and why does it have to be me to call....of course there are some members of my family whom i dont want to mention names that steal things from dead ppl before they are even dead and end up cheaters and names here remember so if you read this and you think hey thats me!!! DING DING should maybe stop being like that...cause well if you think that snetence is about you there has to be some truth in sure we all have those kind of family members now dont we....anyways on a lighter note...i did talk to my cousin with whom i spent alot of my younger years fighting / playin / talking with and i missed very much ... its strange how 1 conversation can change how you look at things....i mean where have all the years gone....


Blogger Unknown said...

update silly girl.

i miss you too.

and we will ALWAYS be friends.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:49:00 PM  

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