here i am again!!!
I'm at a new job now checking the place out till i get a job that will keep Chris and i above water level...we're getting by but cant put a cent on the REAL bills like student loans or credit cards...god its a vicious cycle GRRRR!!! But we will make it through I'm sure we always do. Ive got my eye on that Toyota plant thats being built in Woodstock Ontario and i also have my sights set on getting my full license and then going to get my class 1 and air brakes certs cause theres some mad money to be made with those trades for trying to talk Chris into it but i dunno that doesn't seem to be his “thought for the day” right now so I'm gonna have to go a different route with him to make some money. Its easy to move and make money but I'm 26 almost 27 and no kids no house no savings....if i move out west and buy a house thats a scary thought id rather Ontario or somewhere closer to home we'll be paying an arm and a leg to come home and to have people visit if we buy that far it doesn't seem worth it to move make money and come home and go on poggy like most....we'd never get a house or have kids....that is the looser way out for sure....time to crack down and get a career whether it be in computers or a factory or long haul trucking...its time to get on the to speak...GET ER DONE SON!!!
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