tomorrow im taking my cats to get their pictures taken in front of superstore on trinity avenue...i cant wait to see how they are going to turn out...i love my cats and wouldnt trade them in for the whole world...i think even a million bux would be a hard sell to me...i love my little guys...they are so special to me....
i was having a conversation the other day about "youthenization" and i started to cry uncontrolably....that is not a grey area with me...we dont kill babies or old people if we become overpopulated with them....why do we do that with animals?...why isnt there some type of plan in effect to spay and neuter animals at a very small cost to people so that it wouold be easier and more and more people would get it done....i paid 230 for 2 cats....thats retarded....we're so much about money that we're killing inoscent animals all to make a profit from "fixing" them....we fix girls who are sluts after they are on their 4th kid if they are on welfare for free...why cant we do that to animals?....
i mean there are laws (that arent really obeyed) for creulty to animals but yet we'll kill them liek they are on death're 2 weeks are up...heres your needle...then cremate them....HOW SICK A SOCIETY WE LIVE IN!!!! ... i mena that kitten who died because someone cut of its genetailia...when is that person going on trial?....never?...are they gonna get probation...wh cares its only a kitten...if i knew who thast person was id bash their head in....thats how i feel...
if anyone hurt my cats intentially...i mean if you walk on my cats tail or whatever...being you have to appologize not say get outta my way....but i mena if anyone hurt my cats they would pay through the nose....hands down id hurt them!!!
spay and neuter your animals if you are gonna let them out...not to mention its a sin to leave them go in heat and be that wouldnt put up with it why do it to your pet? shouldnt have an animal if you cant fix them or needle them or take them to the vet if something are an unfit pet owner if thats the case....
i cant imagine what goes through someone's head when they get a little puppy cause he's sooo cute then when it grows up tie it in the backyard and feed it when you remember...thats a shame and you should be reported....let yr animals run free....being at the spca would benefit them more then being tied to a 4 foot rope in your backyard never being played with...the cutness of a kitten or a puppy goes away....remember that the next time you go to scope out animals...
another thing is...why buy your pets at a pet store...these animals were bred specifically to make money for a usless owner like pets unlimited...what a sin we buy animals so some business owner can buy a yaught....go to the spca and help fund 1 more day for another animal to be able to stay for the night....otherwise that animal you dont get there could get put to sleep for "overstaying its welcome"
animals are people too as far as im concerned....i wouldnt put your grandmother to death just because she "overstayed her welcome" at the seniors that another "new" one could come in...why do that to a cat or a dog or whatever....its a shame and whoever thought of this should be ashamed of themselves and i hope they died a hateful death....
Wow- now thats a rant.
Something about that expensive spay/neutar (sp?) thing- you can take your pet to the local animal shelter and get it done for way cheaper. And if you prefer to go to your vet, ask them about "other options." A lot of vets want to do extra things that they say are necessry but really aren't- like hooking the pet up to an EKG or putting in a chip...don't get me wrong both are great but not necessary. So I hope this helps.
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