yeah so friday night
------got a telephone call round 8ish and it was my friend kiara calling (she woke me up...lololol) she asked if i was goig out and i responded like i usually do...(NO MONEY) and she , without hesitation , says ill pay for ya ..... well when ya have no money cause of VTO and its been like that for a while ya dont turn down offers like that.......so of course i accepted...(LOVE YA KIARA) ..... so i then dragged my sleepy carcus out of the bed and atarted to get ready all the while so excited i thought i was gonna pee.....well brent kiara and chris show up and of course my friend jason...and we all proceed to get on the drunk boat...and it never took us long.......i ghad 2 drinks and 3-4 beer in me b4 i even got into the bar...........so now we're in the bar and of course since im drunk i start to feel a little frisky....aka wanna touch boobies......and i see kiara's calling my name first the right then the left.......lolololol.....mmm kiara boobies........the night goes on and im chillin with everyone ... not to mention i ran into my friend jaybo...only the nicest person i've ever met .... and damn hot in drag.......(he's miovin to dartmouth in a few days so it was well worth the whole hang over the next day, for him being there alone) ...... i then start to have a hillarious convo with chris about his adventures with my "hairspray" IN THE BATHROOM.....HE,EARLIER, HAD A SHOWER AT MY APT AND LOOKING FOR SO\ME CAME ACROSS AN OLD TAME HAIRSPRAY BOTTLE AND STARTED TO SPRAY HIS HEAD ALL THE WHILST NOT KNOWING THAT IT WAS MR CLEAN BATHROOM....when he realised what it was he nonshallontly comes into my bedroom showes me the bottle and asks if it was hairspray i tell him nope its cleaner and he says ok well do ya have some and i tell him where to find some......he tried to cover it up but he ended up tellin me at the bar and i in turn told everyone at the table cause it was the funniest thing i'd heard in a while....wayto go chris.... then i decided to brace the croud and go pee and i come out to find kiara standing there in the flesh and i heard a small voice saying come bite me come bite me....so with out hesitation i bent my legs at the knees and proceeded towards her cratch and began to bite...........keep in mind i was drunk and hearing voices....WHAT WHAT?...COME ON NOW I KNOW YOU'VE BITTEN ONE OR TWO SNATCHES IN YR LIFE TOO....DONT KNOCK IT TILL YA TRY IT...........yadda yadda the night goes on ....then its morning and what a great morning it is...BEING HUNG OVER ROCKS........