Georgina's place of rants!!! - "Spay and Neuter your pets!" - Bob Barker

so what else is new? Funny Quote of the Day - Rodney Dangerfield - "The way my luck is running, if I was a politician I would be honest."

Monday, May 16, 2005

livin large in moncton....well sort-of

so im on my 3rd job since venturing to moncton.....first job fired after 5 hours in the training cause i had my cell phone in my jacket and it rang cause i forgot to turn it off and they came in like1 /2 an hour later and fired me......(ps..never took the call took it out of my jacket turned it off and appologized)......needless top say i tore a strip up and down that girl so hard she never knew what was goin on...first time fiored cause a cell phone rings once by mistake...i freaked......WOW...what a first impression i have of moncton....then i go to ARC a collection agency where a team leader kept making me do things when the boss/trainer had to take an "important call" and when i lost 70 files because i never knew what he was asking me to do would back out everything had done for the boss before i could explain i got "repremanded" so i had a private meeting with the boss on my 3rd day and she said...get this...go to your desk and the things he's getting you to do (looking up numbers from a sheet) leave the sheet on the edge of your desk and ill come along and say "where did you get those?" and you say "from guy next to me" and ill say "well dont do them just do what i say" so i then told her i told him that i am not supposed to do these things and besides he brought me into the lunchroom and had a private meeting with me...she says " yeah what did he say to you in there?" i said he said "im gonna appologize for being harsh in advanse for while im training you" she said "yeah i thought it was weird that he brought you in there"....i said "why didnt you say anything?" she says....I DONT KNOW"...."just stick to the paper on the edge of yr desk besides i had a meeting with him this mornign telling you he's not yr trainer(ps before he has a meeting with me)...."...........omg im gonna conspire against a guy i have to sit by the whole time i werk there...needless to say i quit......she then asks me to have a private meeting with her the next day and when i get there she wont give me my belongings and says close the door we have to talk....omg can you say crazy...i had to walk over by her desk and take my stuff out of her hand.....OMG TRUE STORY........nutz eh?.....

but anyways im at another collection agency now but im not digging it too too much.....i thought id be great at it but i dont have the whole "asshole...give me all yr money" attitude....i really dont...i wont take shit on the phone and when i mean business i mean business but i just cant you know knock it to em...i mean i collect but its just not satisfying to collect from a woman with 4 kids on welfare.....its just you have to be hearless...and i know sometimes it seems like am.....i really am so not heartless....i mean it could be me on the other end and i dont have 9000-20000 or whatever to pay them that day...and thats what im supposed to expect them to do....and fight if they say no.....i mean come on.....

so on a lighter note me and chris are in the process of paying all our little "old" debts off.....we're gonna try to buy a car together the end or middle of the summer after its all done...i mean they are all small but its quite a few of em so they add up.....we're gonna start with our student loan payments after that and get adjusteed to that money being gone every month then moving to ontario about a year after that......

seems like we have everything planned but we're not jjst moving to ontario we're gonna start a life buy a house live there...we both seem to want to live there so we have a mutual goal to achieve...........though we have our differences i think we're gonna make it through and live a very well off happy life was a rocky start as most of you know but we're well adjusted now and away from temptations like drinkin and wasting money.....cape breton is good for that...dont get me wrong my roots are there but it feels like a trap of some kind like ya cant get ahead there.....unless you know someone kinda thingy.....but hey...maybe its liek that everywhere....its just at the end of the day i dont want to hang my hat in glace bay.....

there is so much i want to say here because its been so long since ive written...i mean the last few times i wrote.."sniff sniff"....ppl who never knew me were very mean to me......i put up such a front but deep inside and to those few i am close to and confide everything in...can tell you i am very much a sympathetic and warm-hearted person......sometimes my priorities are in the wrong place and im stubborn but after a while i come out of my shell and admit my failures and faults...but im only human...which is more then i can say for alot of ppl who gossip on the lying side of the fence.......ive went through alot of things in my life and really rather keep to myself almost being anti-social.......but if approached in a friendly manner i am very just introverted i guess id rather stay in and watch a movie alone with my man then have to socialize on a lare scale.....i mean bars were my life when i was like 20 i havent been to a bar since i left home......seriously not once.....and i even quit smoking now going on 4 months....its amazing what you can do once you put your mind to trying to be a "more likable person" but its just too time still meeting ppl who want to drink on the weekends and party till 7am....i dont want to so it makes me a social outcast.....well i guess thats what i have to be.....cause i dont think its practical to spend yr whole pay at a bar and be broke till pay-day.....its just not smart......

but enuff of that....omg primus just said not interested 3 times...then she asked me to get a pen and paper to write down a that has the rebuttal number went up...shit man id hate to be her with that shitty ass job.....

so we're paying off the 2 cc we have so that we can use the money in august to ... get this.... buy tickets to an eminem concert in and chris....oh yes...its soooooooo gonna happen baby..........ill update ya how it was then....

well getting late and i have to be up at 630 am tomorrow...will chat later and hopefully ill have more juicy stuff to say then.....


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