halifax or ontario....help me decide guys i need your input on the dissadvantages and advantages.......
ok so i have yet another big decision on my hands to make ....i know im on the edge of moving away with chris but to where and how far is another story................and exactly when as well
im the most anal person when it comes to making any decision down to if i want a choc dipped donut or a boston cream one......im a very undecisive person all around....so for this decision i have about 2 mos to come up with my final answer a job an apt and money to move well maybe 3 mos lol......
so i have lots to be considering here like how big an apt and to to get a roommate...me and chris chose onme and its my friend bvilly hes an all around easy goin guy with alot of spirit and we both get along just fine with him and he would be a ball to share the experiment with for sure......
i have alot of ppl i want to have as roomy's and i have the first one which is chris comin wif me and the other person is for company.......and for expenses too....i dont wanna live wif another girl so gay or straight guys are the only runners up at all ........no offence to all my chick friends but we are catty and im not in the mood ive lived wif girls b4 and im not goin back.....................
so back to my decision ............ theres ontario and halifax the obvious choices for a g-bayer but never the less the ones i have to choose from..........halifax is my choice and ontario is chris's..............i wouldnt mind living in either place and sure theres alot more room for improvement in ontario but this is my first time moving in with a boyfriend so theres alot of things to consider....like what if hes a slob and i have to clean up after him all the time i not one to be messy and i dont mind it being untidy but dirty and constantly messy is not my thing...................
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