STEVE-O said the guy needed some more refreshments to quench his thirst and got the guy to drink a cup of pee and the guy sooooooo did
oh my god i took the past few days off werkie to go to halifax wif sean and chris and was it ever worth it .... i went to the steve-o show in halifax at the palace..........he did the normal you know stuff like snorted salt squeezed lemon in his eyes and stappled his nuts to his leg.......but the crazy stuff i never seen him do was balance a laddar on his chin crazy that guy can do that and a big ol knife on his nose too.......nutty guy he is for sure.........he also got a guy on stage then a girl from the audience to kick him in the nuts but he chickened out and crowd surfed so they got another guy to do it and he followed through with it no questions.......then he gto another guy from the audience to come up and chug the rest of his bottle of taquilla (1/2) and the guy did then STEVE-O said the guy needed some more refreshments to quench his thirst and got the guy to drink a cup of pee and the guy sooooooo did......mmm.....mmm.....and then he lit his hair on fire and got (i forget the guys name) to blow oil on it and it lite a huge fire in the air then the show was over....what a blast for sure........
wee man was there too he crowd surfed and ended up kicking me in the head when he jumped nice hey the guy usually kicks himself in the head but he decided to kick me there instead ... lol ... party boy was there too but he never did anything not even dansed i dont think he got injured at the show the night that was a bummer but cool anyways to see him on the stage for sure.....if ya want some pics comment wif yr addy but if i have the addy already then just let me know.......
and btw we were in the pit which is right in front of the stage and the crowd was nuts it felt like bein in water ya were bein thrown from side to side but never fell cause ya were sandwiched in too tight....anywys tht was my crazy adventure for this week....tune in next time never know what ill be writin about.................;)
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